Constructivism approach toward Iran and Russia strategic culture in Eurasia geopolitics and its effect upon Iran national interests.


1 PhD Student in International Relations, Faculty of Law, Theology and Political Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Department of International Relations, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

3 Professor, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran

4 Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, Faculty of Law, Theology and Political Science, Tehran University of Research Sciences, Iran


The concept of strategic culture is of fundamental importance for the foreign policy behaviors of countries today. This concept, developed by Jack Snyder, is at the core of understanding the nature of intergovernmental relations and therefore serves as one of the main foreign policy behaviors of modern nations. The concept of strategic culture has constructivism roots on the one hand, and strikes at "rational choice theory" on the other. This article basically uses the constructivism approach to understand the constructive elements of the strategic culture of Russia and Iran and its potential to establish strategic relations with Iran. This article shows that the roots of Russia's strategic cultures towards Eurasia are mainly based on different historical experiences, the concept of ideology and their leadership beliefs about the region. In addition, the strategic cultures of both countries are also guided by the concepts of “we against others” that form the core of the constructivism paradigm. In this article, it is been argued that, owing to the fact that nature of Russia's strategic culture is based on hard power, there is little potential for strategic relations between the two countries and these two countries compete with each other in many areas such as central Asia, Caucasus and Caspian see on the field of energy. In this research, electronic and written sources have been used and the information is collected in a library method.


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