Investigating Infrastructure for Locating the Suitable eco Tourism Area in lavasan kuchack


1 Master of Urban Planning, Tehran West Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty member of Urban Planning Department, West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Today, the tourism ecosystem is one of the areas of development around the world that has received serious attention. This article identifies the various natural and human talents of the target area and develops the factors that attract and use tourists. Small Lavasan, one of the cities in Tehran province, can be studied as one of the aspects of quality improvement of the development of this city area because of its potential for tourism ecosystem.For this reason, in this paper, using field resources and library studies, field observations are made to identify the potentials and limitations of natural areas tourism and finally to investigate the effective infrastructures in locating suitable tourism areas in the small Lavasan city. For this purpose, the study area was studied by the descriptive-analytical and applied method, the existing status of the urban area. The growing interest in tourism and the provision of tourism and tourism, the most visited areas of interest.Therefore, the tips through the top three, in the GIS environment, finalize the tourism ecosystems. After collecting data and information by SWOT analysis, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats from the viewpoints of local people and tourists were analyzed and a description of the status of tourism ecological factors was obtained.


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