Investigating the Role of Internal and External Threats in the Northwest Region on Developing Defense Strategies with a Political Geographical Nature


1 PhD student in Political Geography, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Political Geography, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran.

4 Professor of Faculty of Earth Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University


this study has tried to examine these developments from the perspective of geopolitical factors affecting the development of the country's defense strategy; the main question of the article is that internal and external threats What role do they play in formulating Iran's defense strategies? The method of this article is descriptive-survey. The statistical population of the study is experts, academic experts and managers in the design of defense-strategic strategies, which are a total of 500 people, using the Cochran's sampling method, the number of sample members is 217. To assess the validity of the questionnaire, the opinion of experts, professors and experts in this field was used, and to determine the reliability, Cronbach's alpha test was used, which resulted in 0.88 and was confirmed. The findings of the article show that the lack of development of the border areas of the northwestern region (4.65) is considered as the most important internal threat. After that, the environmental problem of Lake Urmia (4.62), the existence of a geographical area that follows the security and defense strategies of neighboring countries (4.59), the movements of some dissident groups in these areas (4.56), the exploitation of political currents from underdevelopment in some northwestern areas (4.49) , The Kurds' sense of belonging to the Kurds in Turkey and Iraq (4.48), the existence of ethnic, religious and tribal factors (4.47) and ethnic minority in the region (4.43), the sense of nationalism among Kurds and Azeris (4.41), the existence of populations


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