Investigation of criminal and non-criminal solutions to protect and protect the environment


1 PhD Student in Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of Humanities, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran

2 Department of Law, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran Assistant Professor, Faculty Member of NAJA Institute of Law Enforcement and Social Studies, Tehran, Iran


Protecting the environment and its necessity is not hidden from anyone. Now, these protections have different aspects such as criminal or non-criminal protection. Some believe that although criminal law plays a role in protecting the environment; However, since the main problem in this field is the legal regulation of the activities of relatively large production companies, it is the most effective means to achieve accurate criteria for the distribution of pollutants and the application of standards through administrative regulations. Criminal law plays a limited role in this regard, and it also plays a limited role in enforcing administrative regulations. Others believe that criminal law is the most appropriate way to protect the environment; Because these rights are the main means of effective protection of basic social values ​​and are degrading. The findings of this study show that the simultaneous application of criminal solutions with non-criminal solutions and the integration of the principles governing them with each other is the best way to protect and protect the environment; Because each of these cases alone has disadvantages and advantages that can not be achieved without combining them.


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