Explanation and analysis Indices and material and spiritual principles of the Islamic utopia

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty member of Payame Noor University, Garmsar Center, Semnan, Iran

2 Graduated in Political Geography, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Theology and Islamic Studies, Golestan University, Golestan, Iran

4 PhD student in Islamic Theology, Azad University (Science and Research) and faculty member of Farhangian University

5 Master student of political geography, Garmsar branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran


Certainly what the Quran says, God's Word by Amin Jibril on the Seal of the Prophets (PBUH) to human eternal guide, then have the book in all areas of human life, including aspects political, social, moral and how wisdom and statecraft, etc. general guidelines given situations. since the Quran for human society and the environment that Muslims worship the Lord their growth and development and is of great importance, in this study, we decided to urban management analyzed from the perspective of Islam's founder in this study the characteristics of the ideal city, a sustainable security, peace and confidence, a lot of sustenance, and ... And material characteristics such as roads and passages, environmental justice, location, etc. will be examined and we will conclude that he Holy Law of Islam for city administration as well as other social needs, human societies have sent orders and rules if these teachings are taken into account, the earthly saint of the human species will be guaranteed, the most important emphasis of the sacred Islamic law in this field are: security of citizens assuredly abundant voodoo in the context of the research, in addition to these, related verdicts and doctrines have also been evaluated. In this study, in addition to field research, the library method is used


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