Explaining the Indigenous Model of Social Development (Case Study: Zanjan)


1 PhD Student in Public Administration, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Department of Business Management, Zanjan University, Zanjan, Iran.

4 Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin Iran.


The purpose of this study was to explain the native model and evaluate it in the neighborhoods of Zanjan. In this study, according to the purpose and nature of the research, the combined research method was used in two formats: data foundation method and structural equation modeling method. The statistical population of the qualitative part of the research was the experts of the scientific community and academic experts who were conducted by purposive sampling method with 12 semi-structured in-depth interviews. Statistical population in the quantitative part of the study, including residents of neighborhoods in Zanjan who were selected by cluster sampling method and purposefully 25 neighborhoods. Using Cochran's formula, 384 people were selected as the sample size and a researcher-made questionnaire was distributed in the neighborhoods. The results of the qualitative section showed that the social development model of Zanjan includes 5 dimensions, 19 components and 52 indicators. After presenting the model, it was hypothesized based on 5 extracted dimensions and the effect of the dimensions of solidarity and social harmony, social justice, quality of life, social security and social development ethics on social development in Zanjan using structural equation modeling and Smart PLS software Was evaluated. The construct validity of the questionnaire was evaluated along with the combined reliability. The results of structural equation modeling showed that the dimension of social solidarity and harmony is 0.727, the dimension of social justice is 0.513, the dimension of quality of life is 0.770, the dimension of social security is 0.411.


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