Environmental protection in the national and international policy system


1 PhD Student in Criminal Law and Criminology, Maragheh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Maragheh, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Maragheh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Maragheh, Iran


Today, the environment and its protection have become a moral and social value that legal protection is very necessary. In our country, the number of laws that have been clarified in order to protect the environment is high, and these laws often include criminal protection of the environment, but unfortunately, in practice, the judicial procedure does not provide much protection to the environment. In fact, Iran's criminal policy as part of criminal policy alone is not able to solve environmental problems and must be accompanied by administrative, cultural and economic measures. Social and industrial developments in different societies have raised new issues and even raised a new category of crimes, in this regard, environmental crimes can be mentioned as one of the new forms of crime. Instead of relying on legal rules, we should promote ethical rules related to the environment. Passing laws is not always the solution; But for the protection of the environment, the existence of effective laws and regulations can be useful. Numerous laws have been passed by the legislature and there are numerous international instruments to protect the environment from degradation, but in order to be as effective as possible, other aspects of criminal policy, such as participatory criminal policy and judicial policy in the field of environmental protection, must be Bio-enhanced.


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