Reading the architecture of Tehran in the contemporary era based on the novel "Bitter Sugar" from the perspective of critical regionalism theory


1 Department of Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Karaj branch, Karaj, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Architecture, Hamadan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamadan, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

4 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Hamadan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamadan, Iran


Today one of the concerns of Tehran city is the lack of regional identity, unification of the physical environment, and consequently the disappearance of the architectural identity of the appearance of this city and the severance of human connection with place. Since in Iran, the identity of each city is tied to the culture and climate of the same region, so its manifestation can be found in realistic stories and specifically the regional stories of each region. "Bitter Sugar" is one of Jafar Shahri's three novels, which specifically deals with descriptions of place, architecture, the relationship between human and space, beliefs and customs, nature, etc. of old Tehran in the contemporary era. To present the architectural features of old Tehran by reading the story of "Bitter Sugar" based on the view of critical regionalism, to achieve the desired spatial quality. The epistemological paradigm of this research is interpretive, comparative in terms of the type of reasoning and qualitative in terms of data type. The type of research is thematic in terms of fundamental purpose, descriptive-analytical in terms of results and thematic analysis in terms of research strategy. Since the foundation of this research is the use of regional literature, literary criticism and semiotics have been used. The method of data collection is documentary and the data collection tool is text reading. The extracted features of the architecture of old Tehran through reading the story of "Bitter Sugar" .


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