Compilation of Conceptual Model of Innovative Urban Regeneration in Interaction with the Smart City by Using the Meta- synthesis Method (2010-2020)


1 PhD Student in Urban Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Art and Architecture, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor of Urban Planning Department, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Urban Planning Department, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Art and Architecture, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

4 Professor of Urban Planning Department, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Art and Architecture, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


urban regeneration has tried to adapt itself to development planning . Accordingly, it has always been affected by policies of urban planning. Consequently, the efficacy of emerging programs along with the knowledge advancement on urban regeneration, smartization and innovative are indicator of changes in its primary concepts. Therefore, innovative urban regeneration is an argument for interacting processes of decision-making, management, innovation policies and smart urban development in line with global developments. Since urban regeneration focuses more on organizing worn-out and abandoned urban tissue, thereby such a policy cannot meeting the needs of society in accordance with innovative standards and smart development. In this regard, this study, by virtue of urban regeneration policies and by concentrating on the components and indicators affecting the concepts relations, has elicited an integrated framework for innovative regeneration according to interaction with the smart city. Therefore, 181 scientific sources were studied through systematic review method, in which 35 of them were analyzed by using meta-synthesis method. Findings of the study demonstrated that innovative urban regeneration is elicited by contribution of 4 componentsconceptualizes an integrated framework and indicates that a superior strategy derived from the previous knowledge related to the urban planning and policy-making that implemented through the priorities of reaching the goals connected to this strategy, and by using the executive power focused on political and managerial decisions that is based on the concepts of innovation,compilation of smart plans can be realized in line with developing the innovative community, and opportunities of creative planning


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