Explaining the geopolitics of political participation in the Islamic Republic of Iran; From concept to functions


1 Department of Political Science, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Department of Political Science, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran.


Political participation, as one of the basic principles in democratic systems, plays an important role in development and stability of societies. In the Islamic Republic of Iran, political participation is emphasized as an important principle in the constitution and for realizing the goals and values of the Islamic Revolution. Therefore, this research examines political participation in the Islamic Republic of Iran and its functions with a descriptive-analytical method. so, the five main functions, including strengthening the role of women and their participation in cultural and social scenes, strengthening cultural identity, strengthening the activity of political parties and currents, creating a cultural platform for people's participation in the country's affairs, and finally strengthening social and political demands are evaluated. the hypothesis was raised that political participation is the basis for the expansion of the aforementioned functions. In this regard, the concept of political participation and its importance, and its functions, were investigated, and its impact on the development of democracy, political system, civil society, and social and political rights of the people was evaluated. The results showed that, political participation in the form of participation in elections and other participatory activities has included the functions considered in this research, and this is a proof of the existence of political legitimacy in the system. Therefore, the results can provide a deeper understanding of the role and importance of this partnership and its impact on the country's political, social and economic development and progress for policymakers in this area.


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