The political and social consequences of the Khawarij presence in the geographical area of Khuzestan during the Umayyad era


1 PhD student, Department of History, Shoushtar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar, Iran.

2 Department of Islamic History, Shoushtar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of History, Shoushtar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar, Iran.


The dissatisfaction of the people of Khuzestan with the presence of the Arab conquerors, dissatisfaction with the actions of the Umayyads, the chaotic environment and social and political insecurity, heavy taxes, famine and drought, the climate compatible with the Arabian Peninsula, suitable communication roads between Saudi Arabia and Khuzestan, and the proximity This province provided the birthplace of the Khawarij and especially the violence of the Umayyads against this sect, the grounds and factors for accelerating the migration, acceptance and stabilization of the Khawarij in Khuzestan. In this way, the Khawarij, who emerged as a political, social and religious group in Khuzestan, were able to attract the attention of the people of this province with their idea of equality and seeking equality and avoiding racial superiority, and with their financial support, the Lashkarians and provide followers and engage in activities and fight against the central government in this region. So that in the seventies of the Hijri, a sect of them called Azarqa scattered in different parts of Iran. By attracting many supporters and enjoying the financial and military support of the people of Khuzestan, the Khawarij of Azarqa fought against the central government for nearly two decades, from 65 to 79 AH in this province. In this way, the large presence of Khawarij in Khuzestan during the Umayyad period made this region the main center of their conflict with the governors of the Umayyad government and added to the political and social insecurity and dissatisfaction of the people


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