Analyzing the legal regime of the government's duties towards economic distributive justice with an emphasis on the Iranian constitution and the international covenant


1 PhD student, Department of Public Law, Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran.

2 Professor, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

3 Department of Law, Bandar Abbas Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bandar Abbas, Iran.


One of the most important duties of the government in order to achieve distributive justice is to eliminate poverty and deprivation in the society, which can be identified in the Iranian constitution and the international covenant. The rights of the international covenant are also included in the constitutions of most of the countries of the world, including the country of Iran, and the governments are committed to these rights, despite the limitation of their sovereignty; But the problem is that, despite the many efforts of the government and the duties that are under the responsibility of the government based on the laws, but until now, distributive justice has not been achieved in the desired way. The present research, with the descriptive and analytical method, while explaining and analyzing the legal aspects of the important and fundamental concepts of the subject, with the aim of identifying the obligations of the government related to distributive justice in the constitution and the international covenant, and with legal analysis and interpretation, it will investigate how the subject is from different perspectives. became. and the international covenant and with legal analysis and interpretation, it will be investigated how the issue is from different perspectives.


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