Evaluation of intermediate development scenarios in Qazvin city with emphasis on scenario-based planning


1 PhD student of Urban Planning, Department of Urban Planning, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran.


The purpose of this research is to investigate and present the best scenarios of intermediate development in the old and historical contexts of Qazvin city. In the analysis of the data, first descriptively and then inferentially, Scenario Wizard and Mic Mac software were used. The statistical sample in this study is a group of experts who were helped in formulating the initial scenarios in the first stage in the form of interviews, and in the second part, in order to score these scenarios in the matrix table of Mic Mac software, they helped in the form of questioning. The results showed that the desired fabric in Qazvin city is in a relative condition in terms of citizens' access to urban uses. Based on the results, private sector investment, people's participation, integration of organizations and their coordination, and the creation of traditional mechanisms have a great effect on the protection of the tissue, and their protection should be taken into account. There are some infrastructural, service and management problems at the neighborhood level. which can increase the level of satisfaction by solving the problems and organizing the texture. Based on the results of cross-effects scenario in Mik-Mak software, among the 25 identified key scenarios, 9 scenarios are directly and indirectly more effective in relation to the development of intermediate and the revitalization of these urban contexts. Finally, three main scenarios are presented in the form of the most important engines.


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