Investigating the civil liability of people who pollute the environment

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Azerbaijan Shahid Madani University,Tabriz, Iran

2 Graduated from the Master's Degree in Real Estate Law, University of Judicial Sciences


The imbalance of the environment, due to the industrial destruction of nature, has caused the pollution of resources including water, soil and air. The existence of a common earth among the people of the world has created common interests for humans, which should achieve more coordination in this field every day. One of those coordinations is the coordination on the basis of civil liability caused by causing damages to the environment, which has many theoretical and practical benefits that are good in the existing relationship between the environment and the stability and continuity of human life. It shows and on it We want to examine the civil liability caused by environmental damage from the point of view of jurisprudence and domestic law. The topic of protecting the environment for human benefits and eliminating the destructive effects of industrial activities has become a serious issue in the modern world and has threatened humanity. To deal with this threat, it needs a decisive action by taking appropriate measures. The practical procedure of the courts of Iran is based on the responsibility based on fault, and as it should be, it is not responsible for all this pollution and destruction and compensation for the damage to the environment, so considering the need for special compensation. environmental damage and civil liability arising from it, which It has a special place in the science of law.


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