Investigation of political science in Saeb Tabrizi court and explanation of its geopolitical dimensions


1 PhD student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Euclid Branch, Islamic Azad University, Euclid, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran.

3 Department of Persian Language and Literature Eghlid Branch, Islamic Azad University, Eghlid, Iran.



Political science has always been one of the most important subjects in Persian literature. Iranian poets and thoughtful writers, beyond walking in the world of poetic imaginations and literary industries, have also paid attention to the world and the society around them and have reflected the good and bad things in their works and have judged and taken a stand on them and have praised the virtuous and the evildoers. have been condemned and admonished. The pillars and pillars of Persian literature, from Hakim Ferdowsi and Nasser Khosrow to Nizami, Maulvi, Saadi, Hafez and contemporary poets and writers, have all shown their sensitivity to the situation of society and have reflected politics in their poetry at various levels and in various ways. have given. Saeb Tabrizi, the prominent and leading poet of the Indian style in the 11th century of the Hijri, is not out of this circle and pays a lot of attention to political science. His beautiful creations in Ghazal, his special attention to social issues and following Hafez's humor and Saadi's wit have placed him in the ranks of one of the most important Iranian poets. Considering the political and social conditions of his era, Saeb pays attention to politics and statecraft. In every chapter, he has criticisms in the form of advice and admonitions for government officials. In this article, an attempt is made to analyze political science in Saeb's court with a descriptive and analytical method, and the goal is to draw a general overview


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