Prospective study of the impact of social distancing in the future of social structure using the Delphi method (case study: Tehran)


1 PhD student, Department of Sociology, Dehaghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Dehagan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehagan, Iran (corresponding author).

3 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Dahaghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran


This research was conducted with the aim of investigating the impact of social distancing in the future of the social structure of Tehran. The research method was qualitative studies and was carried out using the Delphi method. In this research, twenty experts in the fields related to the corona phenomenon and social distancing were identified by snowball method, they were interviewed and through expressing their experiences, the influential components of the social distancing phenomenon and its impact on different aspects and changes in the social structure. Determined. The tool of this research was a questionnaire that was conducted through the Delphi technique in four stages. Spss and Excel software were used to classify statistical cases and general consensus and reliability. After analyzing the qualitative data, five main themes were presented, which are: public culture, social life, new communication media, family structure, social classes. Each of these themes had several subcategories, which are preferably discussed in the final chapters. Among these categories, we can mention the explosion of information and knowledge, multiple digitization, increasing social demand in economic and political structures, rethinking the cultural system governing the society, and the role of trust and social capital between the government and the nation. The results of the research showed that the social distancing caused by the corona virus, despite the many material and spiritual costs it imposed on the society, provided a suitable opportunity to review and rethink the social, political, economic and cultural structures and the lives of people


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