ssessment component of urban resilience against natural shocks (Case Study: Cirrus neighborhood District 12 of Tehran)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Tehran

2 Damghan University

3 Ph.D. in Geography and Urban Planning and Researcher of Academic Jihad, Lorestan Branch

4 Master's Degree in Geography and Urban Planning, University of Tehran


Resilience has in recent years become an established concept in dynamic systems analysis. It is also increasingly employed in dynamic spatial systems, such as cities. Considering that urban worn-out tissues have always been threatened with natural hazards such as earthquakes, the present paper addresses the status of dysfunctional tissue regeneration and effective factors that can resist these tissues. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to investigate the resilience of the cirrus district to natural shocks (earthquakes). The present paper is an exploratory type, which is done by descriptive-analytic method, For data collection, library and survey method was used by questionnaire and for measuring the survival of the worn out texture of the cirrus neighborhood, factor analysis and t-test were performed using SPSS software. The findings of the research show that the highest mean of 3.56 was related to economic dimension and the lowest average of 3.17 was related to physical dimension, Meanwhile, the average overall survival rate of the traumatic tissue of the Cyrous neighborhood is 3.36, indicating a number lower than the theoretical average (theoretical average = 4); the findings also suggest that the combination of 46 variables, fifteen identification factors Which in total 70.21 percent of the variance of factors affecting the circus neighborhood is explained.


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