Analytical study of multidimensional poverty in urban and rural areas


1 PhD student in Economics, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran

3 Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Management and Economics, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman; Kerman, Iran.



Reducing poverty and inequality is one of the most important goals of planners and politicians in different societies of the world. The success of poverty alleviation programs depends on the accurate identification of the phenomenon of poverty. In this study, using the Alkire and Foster multidimensional poverty approach, the multidimensional poverty index in 5 dimensions of education, employment, standard of living, health and housing, for urban and rural areas during the years 1396 to 1398 has been calculated. The results of this study showed that in rural areas about 28% of people are poor and in urban areas about 25% are poor. Poverty rate in 1397 had a decreasing trend but in 1398 had an upward trend. About 51% of the poor live in rural areas and about 49% of them live in urban areas. The highest rate of deprivation in urban and rural areas is related to the employment dimension, which is about 40%. In terms of education, standard of living, health and housing are 16, 4, 24.5 and 15.5 percent, respectively. The multidimensional poverty index in urban and rural areas is 10% and 11.5%, respectively. Deprivation of women in urban and rural areas in terms of education is more than deprivation of men.
