A comparative study of the works of science and ignorance of the cave and proud


1 PhD student in Fiqh and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Ramhormoz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ramhormoz, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Fiqh and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Ramhormoz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ramhormoz, Iran.



Ignorance is neither against the ability to perform nor against the ability to oblige, but despite this, the religion of Islam has considered it as one of the causes of relief for the obligee in order to remove embarrassment from the obligee and to tolerate him. But this discount does not mean that ignorance is better than knowledge, therefore the scholars of jurisprudence and principles have set criteria and criteria for the validity of ignorance as one of the causes of discount on the obligee, which neither accept the excuse of ignorance as an absolute nor it They rejected it absolutely, because on the other hand, if an ignorant person is excused absolutely and without any rules, the Islamic rulings are closed and knowledge and ignorance are equal, the obligee becomes indifferent to the duty and in order to escape from Obligation and responsibility take refuge in ignorance in rulings, and on the other hand, if an ignorant person is absolutely and under no circumstances excused, it is not compatible with tolerance and tolerance of the Shari'ah, because sometimes ignorance is of a type that the obligee cannot avoid it and not be excused. In this situation, he is against the tolerance of Sharia because in Islamic Sharia, someone can be impeached and reprimanded for failing, but such a person has not failed. In the discussion of the signification of the rule, there is no difference between being proud of the scholar or being ignorant, and they have reached
