The efficiency of the Dilamian rule in the geographical territory of Baghdad; A case study of the structure and administrative and educational organization of Azadi Hospital


1 PhD student of History and Civilization of Islamic Nations, Islamic Azad University, Imam Khomeini (RA) Shahrari Memorial Unit, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of History and Civilization of Islamic Nations, Islamic Azad University, Imam Khomeini Memorial Unit, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of History and Civilization of Islamic Nations, Islamic Azad University, Imam Khomeini Memorial Unit, Tehran, Iran.



Examining hospitals in Islamic civilization as the main medical institution is of great importance in understanding medical and therapeutic developments. In the meantime, Azdi Hospital in Baghdad, which is known as Azd al-Dula Dilmi, is of double importance due to its size and comprehensiveness and as a symbol of the scientific achievements of Muslims in the 4th century AH. In this article, the main goal of the researcher is a detailed and comprehensive examination of its administrative, financial, educational, therapeutic and welfare structures as a huge medical organization, in such a way that it can be compared with the hospitals of the previous centuries in Iraq and Iran and also compared with Hospitals of the time, in the territory of the Buyiyan government and influencing the medicine of the following centuries, clearly concluded that the Azdi Hospital of Baghdad had the largest and most detailed administrative and educational organization in the middle centuries of Islamic civilization, to the extent that this hospital was compared with the hospitals of It makes it comparable today. In this regard, for the first time, one of the most accurate and complete structural diagrams (organizational chart) is presented in this article. This research is based on the usual method in historical research, i.e. descriptive-analytical method through the study of first-hand sources and new research.
