برندسازی، ابرشهر، نظریه زمینه‌ای، مدل، کیفی، تهران

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student of Geography & Urban Planning, Science & Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty member, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Faculty member, Political Geography, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran


    If the purpose is creating sustainable economy and symmetrical urban development, urban branding in scale of mega-city is necessary. Since there is no comprehensive strategic model and performing methodology for urban planning, the main purpose of this research is presenting a new model for mega-cities branding based on Tehran city case study concerning the Iranian singular features. The research's statistical population is all the experts who have relevant scientific backgrounds in urban planning and branding. In this research, as for grounded theory methodology, at first purposive sampling method and then for analyzing data, theoretical sampling are used to gathering information. The data gathering method is based on survey methods specially partial-structural profound interviews.  Also, the analyzing method is grounded theory based on Strauss and Corbin's systematic approach for coding and classifying conceptions. In this field, SPSS 16 for analyzing quantity of demographic data and also MAXQDA 12 for managing and organizing qualitative data, are used. The research results exposure a comprehensive model for mega-cities branding with explanation of dimensions and main variable based on local approach.


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