Damage and environmental challenges review from the perspective of verses and hadith and law

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Prof. of Islamic Jurisprudence, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. student of Law & Criminal Justice, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


    Islam in all aspects and human relations both divine and human relations but even in human relationships with animals and other objects interfere and for all its regulations, but certainly at None of the Muslim sources as the environment has not been ruled but without a doubt, about water, soil, land, air, purity, impurity, dirt, pollution, storm, wind, dust, fire, loss, causality and such issues There is Strong provisions In verses and hadiths and other sources sentences as well as the laws of Iran. The most important research questions are: What is the legal and statutory boundary of environmental law? Does the law as well as criminal law enforcement for environmental damage there Importers or not? Given that Subject injuries and environmental challenges Is one of the most important problems that has faced Modern man with serious challenges. This problem it's important than it direction that Life-threatening symptoms become apparent and is threatened Present and future generations because of widespread environmental contamination.


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