Designing a framework of Entrepreneurship Development in the Sports tourism industry

Document Type : Original Article


1 P.HD Student of Sport Management, University of Guilan

2 Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Islamic azad University of gheshm


The purpose of this research was to present a conceptual framework for entrepreneurship development in national tourism industry.
Methodology was a systematic, development qualitative research. Research population included human division (experts) as well as information sources (scientific sources plus documents) in the field of sports tourism. There were two instruments containing the library study and interview. Research validity was confirmed through the qualitative validation based on the experts' opinions. The coding method was applied to define the framework of course of action.
The defined framework was composed of environmental and institutional incentives, development management and structure, attitude, entrepreneurship culture and behavior, development resources provisioning, entrepreneurship system, and grounds, opportunities and outcomes of entrepreneurship development in sports tourism. The relationship between the perspectives was conducted by three effects of precedents, processes, and consequences focused on depicting the outstanding effect. Moreover, with regards to perspectives, challenges and courses of action were examined. 
According to results, to develop entrepreneurship in sports tourism, it is offered to consider the strategic actions and decisions classified by mentioned perspectives as well as prediction of their relations. The general approach is to leverage the entrepreneurship opportunities and consequences in sports tourism industry focused on environmental basis, sports tourism resources, management, culturalization and innovation. 


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