Developing and Validating the Structural Equation Model of Mega-Cities Branding (Case Study: Tehran Megacity)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Geography, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Geography, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Political Geography, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran


Branding the megacities brings city image that causes the city has competed with other cities at the national and international levels and ultimately maximizes the benefits of citizenship. In addition, branding of megacities strengthens their brand position and image and creates a climate of competition between cities that will eventually lead to the flow of material, spiritual and social capital into urban structures, and increase the level of welfare and quality of life to its inhabitants. Although disparate researches has been done on brand and branding, but their output did not come up with a systematic and enforceable program. In this research, the underlying model of megacities branding in Tehran was tested and validated using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling by means of SPSS and LISREL softwares. The structural model has indicated the relationship between brand dynamics components, the need for a large number of visitors, and the country's need with branding process as well as the relationship between branding process with income generation, tansforming the city into a potential destination and sustainable urban development. The structural model in the standard estimation mode showed that the greatest positive impact is the country's need for the branding process and the least impact is brand dynamics on the branding process. Also, the greatest impact on consequences by branding process is on revenue variable.


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