Challenges of rural development initiatives from sustainable development perspective using swot model

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Prof. of Geography & Rural Planning, Yadegar-e-Imam Khomeine Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


The researches suggest that the main purpose of development is growth and excellence of human societies in all aspects. So, the purpose of this study is the actual recognizing of the non-arrival to the rural sustainable development under the circumstances of human societies and their requirements in material and spiritual aspect and within the framework of rural undertaken challenges, projects and programs.  The research method is descriptive-analytical and its purpose is applying the historical and library method and using of the SWOT strategic model. It is certain that human societies are not irrespective of time and a significant portion of them are living in rural areas. Therefore, applying the development management at national, regional and local level has a customizable concept and its objectives and effects are crystallized on regional spatial scales of "city and village". Here the question is that do the plans and rural planning have challenges and place in limitations of cycle of planning that the sustainable development have not achieved? Also, it is hypothesized that rural sustainable development is achieved by solidarity, integrity, solving the problems, issues and challenges of the project cycle and rural planning.  On the other hand, the results show that within the hierarchy framework, rural areas as the rule of the system and national activity have to in addition of stability in components, i.e. the ecological environment, human environment and operational environment, exhibit its contribution and impact in the habitation system to the national level and if the rural habitation system cannot play the constructive role in the development and sustainable development in the habitation system, then the consequences and adverse effects of rural issues appears in various fields. On the other hand, in the past, especially before the Islamic Revolution, there were significant challenges in the design cycle and rural planning and transfer of funds to the village, in the area of sustainable development.
It is concluded that sustainable development and national integration is closely related to sustainable development at the regional, urban and rural level and in is not possible to separate of go away the rural sustainable development from it. Because, it is the right of development of villages and rural in the system of country. In this way and in the process of development management, policy making, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, the village should be completely considered in order to provide the sustainable development arena.


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