Formulating Child friendly Space’s Improvement Policies on the Basis of Children’s Environmental Preferences (Case Study: Public Spaces of Municipal District No.6, Tehran(

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associat Prof. of Urbanisn, Faculty of Art & Architecture, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran

2 Ph.D. student of Urbanisn, Faculty of Art & Architecture, Qaznin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran


Despite the importance of preparing a proper and friendly environment for children growth, few researches in this field investigate children’s environmental preference on the basis of their culture and their mental structure. The article tries to investigate children’s environmental preference via surveying different outer spaces and in accordance with requirements of child friendly cities convention. Literature review show that most practical experiences in this filed concentrate on desirability of place on the basis of parental viewpoints and because of different challenges including problematic obtaining rigid and trustable viewpoints form children, few research has investigated children’s environmental preference. Qualitative research method is chosen and interviews and observations are concentrated on different aspect of environment features including meaningful and instructive environment; territory; hidden places; and finally freedom of speech. For understanding children reaction and their satisfaction rate in different environments, these environments are classified in a way that they can easily distinguish these spaces. These classification include local designed open spaces, local organic open spaces, streets, designed open space in district scale, historic buildings and monuments, neighborhood unit, block scale, and private spaces. Children viewpoints about these different outer spaces are gathered and analyzed. Results show the distinct difference between children’s environmental preference in comparison with standard design criteria and also distinct difference between their preferences according to the spirit of urban life in Tehran. Finally, the article tries to formulate improvement policies for child friendly urban spaces on the basis of livability, flexibility, reminiscence, safety and at last children’s preference.


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