Social media, and the emergence of new players in the geopolitics; with emphasis on terrorism

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Prof. Dept. of French Language, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


It has been a little over a decade since what we know today as social media. Since media are to some extent outside the purview of state supervision, the concept of national sovereignty has undergone change and development. Nation states that not long age regulate the geopolitical relations of the world as single actors of international arena have inevitably lost much of their power because of emerging agents having to do with the domain of power outside national constraints and boundaries. The agents that come into existence at various levels or on different scales ranging from personal to global in the form of processes such as regionalism, religious extremism, racism, and son on are said to act on global politics sometimes as organized violence, called terrorism, with geopolitical goals and results. In the meantime, the departure of media from state monopoly along with the emergence of their new generation, known as social media, has managed to lay the foundation by far wider for the arrival of the new actors. The research aims at exploring the position of social media in the emergence of new geopolitical agents with an emphasis on terrorist organizations.


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