Analysis of Good Governance Indicators in Urban Recreation from the Viewpoint of Residents of the Neighborhood (Case Study: Tajrish Neighborhood)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University

2 Master of Geography and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University


Many Urban in the country are faced with the problem of worn texture. Hence, approaches were used to solve the problem and to rebuild worn out texture, which were purely physical and had less social, cultural and spatial dimensions. A new approach to social activism in the process of rebuilding is a good urban governance approach. Emphasizing this attitude, in this research, we tried to study the level of good urban governance indicators in the process of recreation of Tajrish neighborhood. The research method was descriptive-analytic and data collection was done using library and field methods. The data were also analyzed by SPSS software using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (single sample T and Friedman tests). The results show that the good governance situation is undesirable in the upgrading process, and the highest mean is the indicators of accountability and efficiency, and the rule of law and strategic indicators are ranked the lowest with the lowest average.


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