The Role of Urban Management on City Epidemiology Case Study of Shahrekord Cityو

Document Type : Original Article


1 Phd student of,Geography and urban planning,Islsmic Azad university,science and research branch,Tehran,Iran.

2 Associate professor of Geography and urban planning,Islsmic Azad university,science and research branch,Tehran,Iran,Corrrsponding auther.

3 Associate professor of Geography and urban planning,Islsmic Azad university,science and research branch,Tehran,Iran


The rate of urban viability and its improvement has become the main objective of many urban policy, programs and actions, and serves as an indicator for evaluation and monitoring of decision-makers and managers' performance. In fact, urban quality of life is one of the most important areas of urban studies in different countries, which has multiple social, environmental and economic components. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of urban management on urban viability in Kurdistan. The purpose of this study, in terms of purpose (type of use), is an applied research. The collected data were analyzed using Smart Pls software based on the structural equation path analysis. The results indicate that urban management on urban viability, with path coefficient of 0.23 and T 3.47, urban management, on social dimension, with path coefficient 0.22 and T = 13.79, urban management, on economic dimension, with path coefficient of 0.33 and The value of T 4.47, urban management, affects the sustainable environmental dimension, with a path coefficient of 0.18 and a T 8.34 value. Accordingly, urban management has the most impact on the economic index, and has the least impact on the environmental index. On the other hand, given the very small amount of path coefficients, especially in the environment, urban management has not done enough work in this regard.


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