The process of formation and development the Tabriz historical bazaar in the social participation context After the earthquake of 1194 AH

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor at Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism، Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran.

2 PhD student of Islamic Architecture, Tabriz University of Islamic Arts, Tabriz, Iran


This research is based on the assumption that social participation as a cultural value contributes to the formation and rehabilitation of the texture of the historical market of Tabriz after the earthquake of 1194 AD, The study of the process of popular participation during the last three centuries and especially after the earthquake of 1194 AH. The main purpose of this research is to review the process of popular participation during the last three centuries, through the revising of historical documents and field surveys among bazaarists and customers in the historical market of Tabriz. For this purpose, firstly, after the earthquake, the participatory structures were identified in the historical context of the Tabriz market, and then, by separating them from historical maps and images based on the descriptive-analytical method, on the one hand, as well as field references and citations, the role of social participation in the form The development and development of this complex has been measured. The results of the research findings in the quantitative aspect showed that undoubtedly can consider social participation as a forming and developing factor in the structure of the historical market of Tabriz during the post-earthquake period. Also, the results of factor analysis findings led to the reduction of variables in the form of three factors, which in total had the ability to explain 68.35% of variance variations. Also, the results of the regression test showed that there was a significant relationship between the variables of social participation and recreation of Tabriz bazaar.


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